Young Researcher Award Application
We are pleased to announce the call for UDINE-2023 FC awards for Young Researchers to attend the 3rd International Conference "Therapeutic Applications of Nitric Oxide in Cancer and Inflammatory-Related Disorders"
that will be held in Udine, Italy from 4 – 5 September 2023.
Invited Speakers:free
Senior and postdoctoral researchers, on-site attendance: 150 Euros
Predoctoral fellows, on-site attendance: 50 Euros
Online registration: 50 Euros
Abstract guidelines
DEADLINE: 30 June, 2023
The abstracts will be published in an abstract book to be distributed at the workshop.
Please email your abstract to
– Abstract: No longer than 1 page DIN A4
– Letter: Times New Roman 12
– Margins: Sup/Low 1.5 cm; Left/Right: 2.5 cm
– Title: Low case (except first letter), bold and centered
– Authors and affiliation: Peter Selleck1, Andrew Corvin1,2….
– Affiliation: Department, Institute, country
– Structured abstract including: Objectives/Hypothesis, Introduction, Aims, Experimental design, Results, Conclusions